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Ouch! Huh? Tagged?
This piece of assignment is to be handed in to my now-suffering-in-HELP lecturer - HuiEye

13 Weird things about me

#1 My hair just won't grow. Ask my school mate.

#2 I still count with my fingers. The journey starts at 10 and ends at 5. How many hours is that? Wait wait... 11, 12, 1, 2, 3...

#3 I sing to myself all the time. Offkey. Ask my brother and my room's window.

#4 You know those thread line on your bed-sheets? Those lining the corner? You can also find it on your T-shirts neck-line? All my bed-sheets are thread-less now. Cause i just lurve scratching those with my fingers to make the "drak'drak" sound. Yeah! I'm weird!

#5 My head is shaped like a meteor rock. Don't worry you will never see me shave off my hair voluntarily.

#6 I hate RED. Mayb because ghosts in horror movies always wear red to kill and the bad guys in Star Wars always use red lightsaber.

#7 I was supposed to be born on 31 August as a merdeka baby. Somehow I just don't love my country so much and refused to come out.

#8 I don't mind dissecting a frog or something, but i can't stand seeing my friends picking their fingers to squeeze out a drop of blood. I almost fainted.

#9 I~cant~even~stand~typing~#8~out....

#10 I have a choosy memory. I can remember the math i did last year (i still wonder how did i remember that question), but i always find myself putting down my specs, open the door, and look for my specs outside my room.

#11 I have a stunted thumb. Ask my classmates again.

#12 Remember the first experiment we did in Form 1? CHaractor traits that we cant change like the shape of our earlobe? I went home after class and practise twisting my tougue in front of my bathroom mirror for the entire afternoon just to prove it wrong. I cant do it then but now i can!

#13 I always dreamed that i will get swallowed or get stuck in an empty space. My dream can be continued and i always wake up crying.

Yeah! completed the assignment. Now i tag:

YeeRui ~muahaha

Skysiow. ~since you are having holidays!!! Do some homework!

PeiYei. ~chance for you to update

Fatin ~you you

Siew Yen ~hoho

K lar... let the rest of you go. I just realised. Why my college mate -except fatin- don't write blog?

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