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Ageing at Warwick

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Just got back from Warwick Malaysian Night 2010. To be honest the show wasn't thaaat great. Halfway through the show I was thinking, 'really? did i look that bad when I was up there 2years go?'

Ahh. Went out to 'Hustle' yesterday. Girls' night out! We ended up leaving the party early and went to our flat for a midnight chitty-chatt session. The supposedly short sobering-up chat turned into a discussion about our past and future. That was when we realised that we are growing -old- 'why are we talking about this? kids talk about the future, only the old and wise reminiscence about their past'

True. Watching the dancers on stage today at Malaysian Night, I remember thinking how young they look. 3 years of education here really tortured us into grow up the speedy way. All of us. To prove this, let's look at a few pictures.

Orientation Time + First Year:

Me with dyed hair! Jess, Aaron at the back. T shirt at parties ahem ahem

Yup! Look at that :S

And now........

(you may notice the same people in some photos)

With the exception that Aaron + Heng yong still have the Asian flush problem... look at everyone else!

Need another prove?

We now even do proper food out! No longer being so broke after parties that we had to live on soy sauce and rice. (We don't do that often though, look at Aaron's concentration on trying to make sense of the menu)

So there. Ageing!

1 Gossips:

jolly arora said...

nice pictures....
Aman Toor