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Using the newly bought phone to take photo at kfc. Saw lee hom at sg wang too.. He's so cute! Too bad we haven got the phone at that time so there's no picture of him.
The above post is sent online through a feature call BlogIt, using my new W850i. After checking my credit, i realise that it cost me a grand TWO BUCKS ++ to just send that miserable picture and some text online!!! Duh... BUt still..... I love my new phone! At least I can take some pictures that live up to their name, not just dots and colours blurred together!

3 Gossips:

Anonymous said...

Whoa nice phone! what color is yours?

Carrie Chan~* said...

Wow!!! You're having a very nice phone, not the mention can take nice photos too! Haha. Take more photos 4 us to see, k? haha.

~HeXin~ said...

hehe.... this phone is white in color.... i posted a photo of the phone in the next entry....

sure.... will take loads of pic. hope u guys enjoy them.