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Degree done- Awaiting graduation

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There you have it, my final exam at Warwick. Prepared freaking hard for this paper, but didn't really do myself justice as the questions that came out were short of what I anticipated. Anyhooo, I am done done done.


Over the last 2 weeks my house mates have been rubbing it in, in my face, that they are all done but me and now... haha, the torture is over and I just joined the group of 3rd years putting our student lives behind us and moving forward. Well, as long as we don't owe any library fines etc, we should be able to graduate.

Graduation ball is naturally the best way to commemorate the end of university and hence after forking out a hefty £65, I dressed up (while guys, 'suit' up) and we all went merrily to our 'final fling'. Unfortunately though, the Warwick grad ball is pretty much a disaster, not even close to being OK. £65 and all we get is the worst budget public bus hire? Not even a coach? Transport 'musuem' as the venue and 'pre-cooked' meals with cheap ingredients and rock hard sorbets? Weird 'actors' hire? No drinks apart from plain water! The whole event was nothing but disappointments and we would definitely have enjoyed ourselves much better paying for a proper meal at a hotel with private taxis and good clubs.

Oh well, event's over and now I am back in my pit with heaps of junks to sort out. Happy packing!

Anticipating my Milan and Europe trip with people I love

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