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Exam marathon

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Today was an intensive day. Mainly because i was trying to cram last minute as much information as possible for 2 of the largest essay-based exam i have, which took placed, well, back-to-back. 2 hour exam. Each. Halfway through the second one, my hand hurts so much, my brain hurts from my attempt to squeeze out everything I remember, my stomach hurts because, well, because it completes the miserable picture of a girl trying desperately to trick the examinor to thinking that she had done her revision, just like most of everybody else in the exam hall. I am so glad the exam questions went my way again, where I got the questions i hope for. But doing them well was another question. The economic exam was unfortunately hugely disappointing. Mid sentence, i thought to myself, what the hell am I doing? but I carried on drawing random graphs to fill the sheets while trying to sort out my thoughts. 2 down and 5 to go. This is by far the worse ever timetable I have got since, well, since when they don't matter. 7 paper (constituting 70% of my whole year of education) in 5 days, including saturday. I have now decided to 'revise' my 'expectations' dowawards in hope of scaring a 2.1. F if I don't even get that.
God bless me.

Having said that, I am so happy this is not A levels. At least my life doesn't depend on it.

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