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MAXIS Conference 2008

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No, it isn't Maxis 017/012. It is a Mega Conference organised by AIESEC UK to give an introduction about what AIESEC is and to allow the delegates to have a self development opportunity. It is a 4 day national conference involving 300 AIESECers from universities across UK, held at Port Tablot in Wales.

The conference was full of fun packed activities. The days were filled with enriching talks and personal development activities whereas the nights were party-till-the-morning times. So yeh, you guessed it. Sleep deprivation and depreciating health were our companion through the conference (many thanks to the very unhealthy food served as well).

As the days gone by, you notice that the enthusiasm of the delegates lifted, people began to widen their network of friends and the delegates began to all love AIESEC. Being a very analytical person as I am, being a person who simply refuses to trust or believe in something/one easily, unfortunately, I began to form a wall between me, and AIESEC. It isn't because AIESEC is bad, it is a non-profit organisation providing its members a constructive environment to develop and learn. I hate to admit it, but it isn't for me. First of all, the people who belongs to AIESEC, they are foolishly arrogant. AIESECers are encouraged to dream big, and have the confidence to achieve what they dream. They want to believe that they can change the world, and using the chants and dance to motivate the members, it makes them feel powerful, strong yet to me, foolish. The whole conference is a brainwashing camp. To brainwash the people to believe that they can, and even more so, believe in AIESEC. At some point during the conference, i started to think, what the fuck i am doing here. Perhaps Clement was right, it is the intention of the brainwashing that matters. It could be a similar motivating its member's technique, but AIESEC is opportunity creating organisation, and the people who ultimately benefits from AIESEC are its members.

Enough of that, I left the conference with a heavy mind. There's so much I want to reflect on, and throughout the conference, I have learnt a lot more about myself.

FACT 1: I have a pleasant personality
FACT 2: I am very competitive
FACT 3: I lack confidence

Reflective piece:
  • Is confidence important for success?
  • Can an introvert ever become a leader?
  • Is it good to dream big, to dream the impossible, or should there be a reality check?
--Should I still do the things I dreamt of doing, eventhough my personality/ capability is not matched?

3 Gossips:

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Anonymous said...

I think your analysis was correct, and if you've got the gut feeling that it's brainwashing...I'd say run or play with the organisation. If it's the socializing part and the promotions that you want to do - fine, you'll learn them there, but the group pressure and the 'culture' is not easy in a sense that they don't take criticism that well in AIESEC.

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